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Senin, 18 November 2013

Eiger sendal-Distributor

Eiger Sendal-Distributor
Dijual Sandal Jepit dan Sandal Gunung Merk Eiger dengan harga miring. Untuk sandal jepit ane kasih diskon 25% dari harga aslinya, dan kalo ambil lebih dr =5 diskonnya ane naikin 30% gan. Sandal Gunung ane kasih diskon 30% dari harga aslinya gan, kalo ambil lebih dr =5 ane kasih diskon 35%.
Untuk ukuran lengkap dr yg paling kecil no 38 sampe paling besar no 45. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut atau gambar yg lain bisa Hub ane di no 085781643710 74ba97ff untuk pin BB. Oke makasih atas perhatiannya, Buat berniaga terima kasih dan jaya selalu.
Bagi daerah Jabodetabek menerima COD(khusus toko) untuk pengecekan kualitas barangnya. Pembeli satuan bisa datang langsung ke toko.


Minggu, 17 November 2013

The Oregon Economics Blog: Commuting Alone: The Answer

The Oregon Economics Blog: Commuting Alone: The Answer

Commuting Alone: The Answer

Last week I posted a graphic from the Wall Street Journal about how much commuting alone has increased in the US since 1980. This struck me as at odds with the narrative of the new urbanism and the reclamation of urban cores in the 21st century. I lamented not seeing the 2000 numbers and posited that the big move in the graph was more about 1980s and 1990s sprawl.

Well, fortunately, friend of the blog Josh Lehner looked it up and...sure enough the big jump was in the 80s and 90s. In fact, the public transportation percentage has actually increased since 2000 as has the telecommuters.

So now you know. Thanks Josh.

Jersey Bola terbaru Harga fantastis

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Jumat, 15 November 2013


CARA PEMESANAN Ketik SMS dengan FORMAT Nama Lengkap Alamat Lengkap (detail kecamatan) No Telp/HP Detail pemesanan (beserta ukuran yang diinginkan) Setelah mendapatkan respon dan konfirmasi jersey dari kami. __________________________________________________ Segera melakukan pembayaran ke via bank yang dipilih sebelumnya. Setelah melakukan pembayaran, segera konfirmasi ulang kembali. FORMAT konfirmasi pembayaran : Sudah transfer Rp. ... ke MANDIRI/BRI/BNI untuk .... (barang pemesanan) Kemudian pemesanan akan di masukkan dalam daftar sesi pre order yang diinginkan. Catatan : Bagi Reseller silahkan masuk ke Welcome Reseller untuk mengetahui info lebih lanjut Call/sms/WA : 085781643710 Pin BB : 74ba97f

Selasa, 12 November 2013

Inspiring Facebook Status

Android user Vs BB Vs windows user Vs Hp tak bermerek
Android user: au bb user:bu windows: wu Hp tak bermerek: hp
au: G jaman pakai bb sekarang ada di sistem w
bb: katanya keren pengen banget sistem w ada di lu?
wu: pain lo ribut,g baik mending damai satukan potensi untuk menjadi smartphone..
Hp: enak ya rebutan teknologi....w cuma dibeli pas orang abis kehilangan HPnya(200rb)
au: sabar bro, menurut w lo yg palingbanyak di beli
bb: ya iyalah setelah pemakaian yg tak lama rusak wkwkwkwk
we: setuju
just joke
*kelebihan dan kekurangan bagaikan kopi dan gula= pelengkap
Dari 10 orang teman,
Hanya 1orang yg siap mendengarkan keluh kesah.
Dari 100 kenalan,
1 orang yg bisa dipercaya.
Dari 1000 manusia,
10 orng yg ikhlas membantumu.
Dunia telah berubah kawan
Dunia mempunyai era yg berbeda
Dunia yg telah tua berotasi sesuai tradisi
Mata yg terpancar lukiskan ketajaman
Senyum merekah bak mawar
Ayunan kaki seindah bangau mencari ikan
Lekukan inchi tubuh melbihi indahnya gitar spanyol
Itulah dirimu sayang
Yang slalu kusayang
Tanpa sedikitpun, kecuali terngiang
Teruslah menjadi yg kusayang
Kau boleh memberikan Cintamu, tetapi bukan Pikiranmu
Karena mereka memiliki pikirannya sendiri
Kau boleh merumahkan tubuh mereka, tapi bukan jiwa mereka
Karena jiwa mereka berkeliling dalam rumah esok hari, yang tidak dapat kau kunjungi
bahkan dalam mimpi sekalipun.
-kahlil gibran-
Wahai mimpi...
Aku ingin menggapaimu ,
Aku ingin milikimu ,
Dan pasti kan terwujud
Aku bukanlah dia ,
Yang melihatmu ,
Dan berjuang ,
Tapi berhenti sebelum akhir tiba
Aku juga bukanlah mereka ,
Yang melihatmu ,
Tapi biarkanmu pergi ,
author: Agz

Sabtu, 09 November 2013

New Distro

New Kaos semi Combed

Inviťe new pin: 74ba97ff
Bagi yg ingin membeli bisa lsg invite, melihat produk join di grup Bbm
Bagi pengguna android 0857 8164 3710 sms atau whatsapp
Fast respon
Quality control
Jersey Sport

Selasa, 05 November 2013

Jasa Membuat blog

Email :
  • azihack@gmail.c0m

Jasa Membuat Blog Murah

Selamat datang di "Jasa Membuat Blog"

Anda kesulitan membuat blog atau males mendesign blog karena hanya ingin tinggal posting saja. Disini saya menerima Jasa Pembuatan Blog dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau..

Kelebihan blog yang saya buat di "distributor kaos bola" ini adalah :
  • Harganya sangat terjangkau.
  • Pembuatan blog maksimal 2 hari setelah anda melakukan pembayaran.
  • Blog yang saya buat akan saya berikan tekhnik-tekhnik SEO yang terbukti ampuh membuat blog anda cepat terkenal dan cepat terindeks di search engines seperti Google, MSN, Technoratti, Yahoo dan Directory-directory terkenal di internet.
  • Blog dilengkapi dengan "Statistik Pengunjung" tiap harinya, sehingga anda bisa melihat berapa pengunjung, asal pengunjung yang datang setiap harinya ke blog anda.
  • Blog anda akan saya lengkapi juga dengan berbagai fasilitas-fasilitas seperti "BUKU TAMU", "Fasilitas Read More" , "Fasilitas Langganan Artikel" dan Fasilitas-fasilitas lainnya yang anda juga bisa kirim request kepada saya.
  • Blog dilengkap "Ranking" dari Ranking Alexa dan Google Page Rank.
  • Pilihan template blog sesuai selera anda, anda bisa memberikan contoh templatenya atau bisa memilih sendiri di situs-situs penyedia template yg saya rekomendasikan.
  • Konsultasi gratis via sms atau YM : i1hack
  • Saya akan beri E-book Gratis tentang bagaimana menjadi No. 1 di Search Engines
  • cp: 0857 8164 3710

Enhanced by Zemanta

Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013

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Kamis, 03 Oktober 2013

Order our jersey new collection

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10 analogic for a Great Leader

By Junaid Tahir

Leaders of required to posses several supreme personality traits such as competence, commitment,courage, focus, generosity, passion, responsibility, vision, problem solving attitude and self-discipline. Below analogies are given for the leaders for their self audits which constitute for the transformation from 'effectiveness to greatness' as per Stephen R Covey's book "The 8th Habit®":

1-     The Great Leader is like the Lion: He does not fear in any kind of tragic circumstances and grabs the 'Lion's share' (market share for his company) and also gives us the protection from other dangers. He faces the difficulties with courage, meets them, treats them and defeats them. 

2-    The Great Leader is like the Foundation of a Building: He penetrates enough in the roots in order to strengthen the foundation of the company. By penetrating means he has strong grip on the policies, procedures, products and services. This helps company grow more and more. 

3-    The Great Leader is like the Rocket: When in action, he focuses on the target with full zeal and zest. He does not get distracted by any other disturbances and challenges in his path. 

4-    The Great Leader is like the Doctor: Who knows the real root cause of the diseases (issues). He isanalytical in his approach. He not only take corrective actions in order to fix the issues but also takes preventive actions in order to overcome the diseases/problems so as to eliminate them permanently. 

5-    The Great Leader is like the Train Engine: He has a clear destination in his mind. He makes sure that all of the passengers (employees) reach their destination. The passengers (employees) belong to so many categories (low/high performing, active/inactive, sick/healthy, poor/rich etc) however he takes all of them along with him towards the target destination and steadily reaches there. He keeps the engine up and running to ensure that target is achieved by all means. 

6-    The Great Leader is like the Professor: He teaches his followers with theoretical, practical, pictorial, verbal, friendly and/or commanding ways of trainings. He is effective in communication and clearly elaborates his requirements/targets so that every single member clearly understands the target and his/her role.

7-    The Great Leader is like the Servant: He facilitates the tasks and paves the way for his clients (team members), eventually the clients focus on their major responsibilities.

8-    The Great Leader is like the Newspaper: He highlights and summarizes the critical happenings so that the readers (followers) are up-to-date about surroundings and adjust their work related strategies accordingly.  

9-    The Great Leader is like the Water: He cleanse the system by removing the dirt, by reducing the impurities. 

10-   The Great Leader is like a Cricket Captain: He organizes the players/resources based on the demand. He performs for his team and not for his personal achievements. For him, team comes first so his intentions from his team and company's perspective are WIN-WIN.
What other analogies you have in your mind for Great Leaders?

22 Things TO keep

You are what you eat -and what you don't eat. Similarly, life depends on
what you keep and what you don't keep. There are many things in life
that people may keep, but only a few are truly worth keeping. Here is a
list of what to keep (and how) for a brighter, happier and more
fulfilling life.

1) Keep calm. Life
can be unnerving and if you don't make an effort to keep collected and
focused, you could easily lose your cool. Take regular, conscious deep
breaths to calm and center yourself. 

2) Keep your chin up.
Not only is it good for your posture and diminishes your double chin,
it also helps you maintain an "I can handle it" attitude. By keeping
your chin up, you can keep your head above water.

3) Keep your spirits high.
Always maintain a positive and joyful attitude. Remember that no one
can perk you up like yourself. Keep your spirits high when the going
gets rough by focusing on your dreams and counting your blessings. 

4) Keep your word.
The true measure of a man is if he keeps his word.
Honorable and trustworthy is the man who stands by what he says and
promises. It is important to think well before speaking because once a
word is uttered and released into the universe, its vibrations could no
longer be erased. 

5) Keep in time with your inner drummer.
Don't be swayed by others into following the confusing beat of their
drums. Although it is sometimes necessary to adjust to the pace of
others, it is best to keep in step with your personal rhythm and to
dance to your own music.

6) Keep in touch with the child in you. The
source of creativity in your life is that little child within you. He
questions, he marvels, he imagines and invents. Stay in touch with him,
and be young and creative for life!

7) Keep abreast of the times.
The world is moving so fast. Know what's happening, what's in style,
what's au courant, what's relevant, what's important. Learn the hottest
trends and the latest in technology. Don't be caught in a time warp or
you'll be left behind. 

8) Keep in shape.
Your shape shows your state of health. Your body is the vessel that you
journey through life in. Keep it healthy and strong. Don't be one of
those people who say, "I'm in shape; round is a shape!"

9) Keep your mouth shut.
People talk too much. We language ourselves to our own destruction and
defeat. Know when to talk and when to shut up. Avoid being too verbose.
Oftentimes, silence speaks more eloquently than words.

10) Keep good friends.
Good friends are hard to find. Nurture friendships that make your
plight through life easier, more wonderful and meaningful. Truly poor is
the man who has no good friends.

11) Keep great memories, not heavy objects.
In the very end, good memories of life are what we will be left with,
not jewels and riches that we can't bring when we finally go. Live each
moment beautifully. Linked together, these magical moments create
a magnificent life. 

12) Keep a diary.
Writing a journal is therapeutic. Record the important events in your
life, your dreams and aspirations, even your failures and
disappointments. When you trace back events in your life, you are bound
to learn lessons from them as well as find great inspiration and

13) Keep saying grace and thanks.
Blessed is he who says grace before he eats and gives thanks for all
the gifts he receives daily. Maintain a thankful attitude and focus on
your blessings instead of disappointments. 

14) Keep on moving forward.
The universe moves forward in time. Don't get stuck in yesterday; make
an effort to move ahead to a better life. Drop those unnecessary pieces of material and emotional
baggage that weigh you down and keep you from flying to your loftiest

15) Keep out of danger.
He who exposes himself to danger finds it. Don't court danger; avoid
it. As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Look
out for number one (that's you!), and always stay safe and sound.

16) Keep up the good work.
Success is built upon success. The more you do, the more you achieve;
the more you achieve, the better you get at doing it. Make success a
habit by keeping up the good work.

17) Keep young.
Do everything in your power to stay strong, supple and youthful.
Think young; feel young. A wise man once said "It is never too late to
be what you might have been." Remember that age is a number and that
youth is an attitude.

18) Keep on Enjoying.
Life is a dance through space and time. Embellish whatever  life
plays for you with your own fresh orchestration and creative
choreography. Be excited in your heart and keep your feet light with

19) Keep on loving.
Love is the reason we were created. Love diminishes when hoarded but
multiplies when shared. Give it and feel it overflow in your heart. Love
cures all sadness, pain and sorrow. Lonely is he who does not give love
away and therefore gets none in return.

20) Keep on dreaming.
Most men, even if they are young, are dead - that is, if they can no
longer dream. Our dreams are what keep us young and alive; they give us
that sparkle in our eyes. Our dreams keep us going even while everything
around us says, "Stop."

21) Keep on hoping.
Never lose hope. Tomorrow will be another day that will bring new hope
and greater blessings. Keep faith in the abundance of the universe and
the mystery and perfection of life. Hope for nothing but the best and
that's what you will be granted.

22) Keep on believing. Belief is the mother of reality. What you believe becomes your truth. Believe in yourself, believe in the magic of the
universe, believe in the power of your
dreams. And most of all, believe you can do it, so you can have all your heart's desires!
These You Must Not Keep

1) Don't keep up with the Joneses.
Just because your neighbor bought a red Ferrari, you, too, must get
one. Don't join the bandwagon and keep away from the "herd mentality."
Too much unhappiness in this world is caused by comparisons - comparing
yourself and trying to measure up to other people. There is really no
need to live up to others' expectations if it would just bring you
inconvenience and misery.

2) Don't keep issues and grudges.
The reason most of us stay miserable is because we keep issues,
grudges, and problems. Detox yourself of complaints and issues that keep
you from being the best that you could be. Try to solve all problems
that beset you; never leave anything unresolved. The questions and
puzzles of life are what make it challenging and exciting.

3) Don't keep resentments and memories of painful experiences.
Life is not a bed of roses so you must learn to let go of negative
feelings and memories of painful experiences. It's hard to go on living
with a heavy heart. Pardon, forgive, forget

source: unknown

Attitude – One of Life’s Choice

My wife, Tere, and I purchased a new car in December. Even though we had tickets
to fly from California to Houston to visit her family for Christmas, 
we decided to drive to Texas to break in the new car. We packed 
the car and took off for a wonderful week with Grandma.

We had a wonderful time and stay to the last possible minute visiting 
with Grandma. On the return trip we needed to get home in a hurry, 
so we drove straight through — one person driving while the other one slept. 
After driving in a hard rain for several hours, we arrived home late at night.
We were tired and ready for a hot shower and a soft bed. I had the 
feeling that no matter how tired we were, we should unpack the car
that night, but all Tere wanted was the hot shower and soft bed, 
so we decided to wait and unload the car in the morning.

At seven o’clock in the morning, we got up refreshed and ready to unpack
the car. When we opened the front door, there was no car in 
the driveway! Tere and I looked at each other, looked back 
at the driveway, and looked at each other again. 
Then Tere asked this wonderful question,
“Well, where did you park the car?”

Laughing, I answered, “Right in the driveway.” Now we knew where we 
had parked the car, but we still walked outside, hoping that maybe the 
car had miraculously backed out of the driveway and parked
itself by the curb, but it hadn’t.

Stunned, we called the police and filed a report that activated our high-tech
tracking system. To be on safe side, I also called the tracking system 
company. They assured me they had a 98 percent recovery rate within
two hours. In two hours, I called again and asked, “Where’s my car?”

“We haven’t found it yet, Mr. Harris, but we have a 94 percent rate
recovery within four hours.”

Two more hours passed. I called again and asked, “Where’s my car?”

Again they answered, “We haven’t found it yet, but we have a 90 percent 
recovery rate of finding it within eight hours.”

At that point, I told them. “Your percentage rate means nothing to me when
I’m in the small percentage, so call me when you find it.”

Later that day, a commercial aired on telephone with the automaker asking,
“Wouldn’t you like to have this car in your driveway?”

I responded, “Sure I would! I had one yesterday.”

As the day unfolded, Tere became increasingly upset as she remembered more 
and more of what had been in the car — our wedding album, irreplaceable 
family photos from past generations, clothes, all of our camera equipment, 
my wallet and our checkbooks, just to name a few. These were items of little 
importance to our survival, yet they seemed of major importance at that moment.

Anxious and frustrated, Tere asked me, “How can you joke about this when all
of these things and our brand new car are missing?”

I looked at her and said, “Honey, we can have a stolen car and be all upset, or 
we can have a stolen car and be happy. Either way, we have a stolen car.
I truly believe our attitudes and moods are choices and right now I choose to be happy.”

Five days later our car was returned without a trace of any of our belongings, 
and with over $3,000 worth of damage to the car. I took it to the dealer for
repair and was happy to hear they would have it back to us within a week.

At the end of that week, I dropped off the rental and picked up our car. I was excited 
and relieved to have our own car back. Unfortunately, these feelings were short-lived.
On the way home, I rear-ended another car right at out freeway exit ramp. 
It didn’t hurt that car I ran into, but it sure hurt ours—another $3,000 
worth of damage and another insurance claim. I managed to drive the car
into our driveway, but when I got out to survey the damage,
the left front tire went flat.

As I was standing in the driveway looking at the car, kicking myself in tail
for hitting the other car, Tere arrived home. She walked up to me, looked
at the car, and then at me. Seeing I was beating myself up, she put her
arm around me and said, “Honey, we can have a wrecked car and be all 
upset, or we can have a wrecked car and be happy. Either way, 
we have a wrecked car, so let’s choose to be happy.”

I surrendered with a hearty laugh and we went on to have a wonderful evening together.

By Bob Harris

Jumat, 20 September 2013

5 Ways to get Wealthy, find by yourself

alasaan kenapa Susah menemukan kesejahteraan
ada 5cara mengatasinya:
Silahkan dijawab agan dan sista
mohon kontroversi hati dan kudeta hati tidak disertakan

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